The Lobby...
Where it all happened!
They heard about Cheryl in Atlanta...
British Buchanans
Bill Kennedy and Brenda Dawson
Hospitality Suite! Busy - Busy - Busy
Just having a little fun...
Ken Skipper makes a coin vanish in to thin air! The Buchanans are amazed!
Pam tells Lynn Jerger about the magic coin!
Another snipe hunt...
Frank - Cheryl - The Butler
Andre' Barreto - Husband of Naomi Martinez '91  Plus Natasha Martinez  '94
Cheers! Prost! Skoll!  Here is to a good time!
Back To The Day Room
LOOK! The Devil made me hug Frank!
Now here is a couple of Best Buds...!
What Pam & Lynn do not know is, they are hugging Frank in a Lee Dyer costume.